As per the OBIEE documentation, the parent-child table requires the following columns -
- member_key
- ancestor_key
- distance
- is_leaf
We will work with the following very simple employee hierarchy
- bob
- jill
- pete
- phil
This is represented in the table EMPS as follows
The parent child map table EMPS_H, created via the OBIEE wizard, has the following rows in it
Ten rows have been created. (ignore hierarchy col)
What has the script done?
In effect, it has created a link between each member and each of its ancestor, while calculating the distance between member and ancestor.
For our example, then:
- bob has two rows, one identifying him as a root node (ancestor_key is null) and another self-referential row
- jill has two rows, one link to only ancestor bob, and self-referential
- pete has three rows, two links to ancestors bob and jill, and self-referntial
- phill has three rows, two links to ancestors bob and jill, and self-referential
So in effect, for each member, there will N rows created, where N = 1 + number of ancestors. The exception is top level members, these will always have two rows, one for self-referential, and one link to a null ancestor (this is how OBIEE identifies top-level nodes).
So we can calculate the number of rows as follows
- Bob = top-level member = 2 rows
- Jill = 1 + 1 ancestor = 2 rows
- Bob = 1 + 2 ancestors = 3 rows
- Pete = 1 + 2 ancestors = 3 rows
Total = 10 rows
The script actually performs the following steps
- Issue a hierarchical subquery (CONNECT BY PRIOR) => returns 4 rows
- Issue a levels subquery => returns 3 rows (levels: null, 1, and 2)
- Cross join hierarchial results with levels results and set ancestors => 3*4 = 12 rows
- Set distance, and prune null ancestors => remove 3 rows = 9 rows
- Add row for each top-level member => add 1 row => 10 rows
Can a single simple CONNECT BY PRIOR SQL be used instead?
- No because a link and the distance between each member and ancestor is needed
- CONNECT BY PRIOR can start at the bottom “mgr = prior emp” or start at the top “emp = prior mgr” but in both cases do not get the ancestor and distance cols as needed for OBIEE. (and number of rows is different for top-down)
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